
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Back to study life

First day driving to coll. (Y)

Fyi, i'm officially a Sunway University College's FIA student now.

How is the story happened?

It is retardedly funny, sudden, shocking, surprising, rushing, and unbelievably.

My mom brought me to survey uni/colleges yesterday. We have no idea which college to go, but on my mind there's only few options which are UCSI, HELP and Sunway because for my knowledge only there has Foundation in Art course.

Thus, my mom disagreed with UCSI and HELP due to the far distance and chose Sunway. I hesitated, not sure is this the right way God leads me to. My mind was confused that time and my heart was like full of ropes with knots.

Originally, i am not accepted for FIA's July intake because it has over and their classes has started a month ago. Yet, i asked for it and they said it's okay because there's some students just came back from NS enrolled to July intake too. So yeah, i just take it.

In the last minute moment, my dad issued the cheque, hand in all my documents, settled all the procedures then the teacher gave me the class timetable. I have a class after that at 2pm, and i went to the class ON THAT SPOT! I joined their classes like from nowhere else, without orientation, without knowing each other or understand what's called COLLEGE. I was like a sesat girl in that big building, totally in a freshly NEW environment, knows nobody, blur blur go into the class and sitting alone.

I was like, wth? I came to the college and study without any preparation. Felt so odd, like i'd went to an another planet. -.- My college life started just like that.

Well, today consider is my "first day" in college. Not so bad, but still bad, because i didn't make any friends yet lol. And finally, now i know what's called assignment that everybody hates. Btw, i'm still blur in my college life. Seriously, i need someone help to guide and teach me. Sigh

p/s: Oh God, tell me this is the way that you lead me to walk. :/

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