
Friday, November 26, 2010


A quick post to update my dead blog. I've ditched my blog for 2 weeks, visitors rate plummeted promptly aikz. Well, today just finished the third day of my SPM exam. Still persist fighting in the war of books. Getting rest for 3 days, time to plan my war strategic, and then back to the battlefield again on next Monday. Hope you can get what i mean that i'm saying here in metaphor. 3 PAPERS DOWN, 6 MORE TO GO.

I miss those days. I miss everything. 25 days more, to the VICTORY, to the FREEDOM.

All the best to all of the SPM's candidates.

Μĭѕş Ẅ

Friday, November 12, 2010


I'll be writing Chinese in this post. For those who don't know to read Chinese, i'm veli veli soli.

5条1!日期很美一下hor?突然间心血来潮想要写华语,就写咯。但是先说明,我的华语很kek sui,所以多多见谅。虽然PMR我的华语拿B啦,但是自从Form 4我就没拿华语了,所以退步了很多。:( 如果我当初有拿的话,我现在还可以写诗呢!哈哈!废话少说。


我最近的日子,真的是闲上加闲。我足足待在家里不出门三天,就乖乖在家里读死书。-,-" 我告诉你们hor,宅女的日子一点都不好受。再这样下去,我会疯的叻!所以叻,今天我就跟妈妈出去吃早餐。我上车的第一句话:“哇,我很久没有出去了!”







我:“..........” *我笑了一笑*

然后我们就去KK吃早餐咯。到了那里,不知道要吃什么。转转下,我们经过Aunty Juliet,就去那边吃咯。(Aunty Juliet是一个restaurant,不是人) 最sui我没有带相机,所以没有拍到照片。我就吃Nasi Lemak,我妈咪吃Tomyam Mihun。她还叫了一大碗的ABC作甜品叻!我问她:“你叫ABC做什么?你吃得完咩?” 她说:“我很stress嘛。要吃甜的东西,人才会比较开心。” 然后她又告诉我一大堆她stress的原因........ -.-"


吃完后,我就陪我妈妈走到街头的银行去做点东西。(要走一段路) 走着的时候,又跟她起了一个好笑的对话。


她:“那些狗啊,臭臭又肮脏,你动了它们不要睡我的床tim啊!” (因为昨天我才睡她的床来 ==)

我:“Yer~ 做么你酱看不起狗的?狗也是一条命,人也是一条命。”




我笑起来,说:“是啦。很折堕一下咯。XD ”

白痴到..... 哈哈哈哈哈哈..

办完事后,要走回去车的路途中,我看到100 Yen!想到很久没吃了,就跟妈妈讨钱买来吃。:P 每当我看到好吃的东西时,她总说:“这种东西哪里好吃的!肥死你啊!” 但是她还是很宠我,给了我钱去买。Hehehe. 我问那个店员,“哪一个最好吃?” 她说芒果味是最好卖的。然后她又介绍我新出的哈密瓜口味和香蕉口味,叫我试试。我看到那个照片还蛮吸引的,我就选了哈密瓜,打包回家吃。

之后我妈妈经过杂货店,问我是不是要买牛奶。然后伸手就给我钱,叫我进去买,她去拿车先。给我钱的时候,还跟我讲了一句:“Nah,去买你的"狗奶"啦。” 我又笑了一笑。:D




我:“都是嘛。有怎样的妈妈,就有怎样的女儿的啦。XD ”

今天真的跟我妈妈讲了很多38的对话。很白痴,但却很好笑一下。Lol. 回到家,当然吃我的100 Yen先啦,快溶了叻。吃之前,当然拍几张照先咯。:D

它的雪花,真的是细到......... 不知道怎样形容。又滑又细,一级棒!!!还有这个新的哈密瓜口味,也很好吃一下。(Y) 跟芒果有得fight。


这几天死拼命读书读书,吃个甜的东西,放松一下自己。:) *好久没自拍了....* T.T

还有这个,我最喜爱的HL牛奶!也就是我妈妈所谓的"狗奶"。-.-" 我习惯了每天早上麦片+牛奶当早餐的。:)

死佛咯。现在3:08am了。明天还有上学leh!刚刚还给我妈抓到我半夜偷偷玩电脑。有够险的!:O 好了,不多说了。晚安,掰掰。

p/s: 期待着明年的今天。11/11/11:)

Μĭѕş Ẅ

Tuesday, November 2, 2010



My current situation.


Well, SPM is around the corner. Time flies, passes so fast unconsciously. Everyday i woke up, and i have a feeling that a day had passes again, which mean spm is coming nearer and nearer. I don't have much more time left. For me the kind of study in the eleventh hour's student, it's time to start my revision and stuck into the book world and study like a bookworm. If you think i am that crazy, then i won't be blogging here.

Gosh, i am so fucking decadent. It seems i don't have the passion to study hard for my SPM exam. I still can blogging here, watch TV everyday and daydreaming like a retard. Fml, i feel so lifeless. Day by day, i don't know what the hell am i doing. Study halfway i surely would distract to the other things. I don't know what is my fking brain thinking of. I don't have any motivation to study hard like how i used to do when i was having PMR 2 years ago. I did fully preparation for my PMR examination and put effort on it. Well, i got 3A's 5B's for my pmr. It's not an excellent result, but at least it's average. And it's already satisfied me honestly. It was enough qualification for me to go into science stream, yet i refused to go and i chose to enter art stream at last. So well, now i'm having SPM. What result will i get? Who knows.

I was having a serious flu last week. It's definitely influenced me to study well. :/ I can't get off from spurting the mucus repeatedly by wrapping "wan tans" everyday, and i hardly sleep in every night. That is so so suffering. :(

This is when i was studying Sejarah on the halfway, then i'm feeling suffocated for my flu and lazy sickness came to find me again. So i decided to camwhore and SS to relieve my stress. :P

Using tissue to suck in my nostril, so that i don't have to keep spurting it non-stop. :/

I'm dying. Pityyyyyyyyyy :(((((

Poke you poke you!!!!

Headache sial. ;( My look with spec is super nerdy.

I'm so sick. :'(

Till now, my flu still haven't fully recover yet. Do you guys know what effective and the fastest way to cure flu? I'm so sick of this le. Yet, i still have to study it grudgingly. :(

2 more months left, then i'm free. I can't wait for 2011, and end this effing 2010 year. I don't even want to stay in this year any single second anymore. 2010 is totally SUCKS!! THE WORST YEAR I EVER HAD!! I've been controlled and forbidden to do lots of things. In fact, many unfortunate things happened on me in this whole freaking year. Went through all the up and downs, i could hardly survive until now. However, everything have to temporize to fulfill till my SPM finish. Focus on this current 2 months first, is the most important one.

22 DAYS LEFT!!!!!!

Fuck SPM. _|_

p/s: I don't think i can blog often anymore, since exam is coming. I will blog when i'm free aite. I you, readers.

Μĭѕş Ẅ