
Friday, January 15, 2010

My goals


I just changed a brand new coloured contact lens which is grey in colour. Oh it's satisfied me and i love it. :D Wearing a watering and coloured contacts make my eyes look innocent lol. And i got it in a oh-so-cheap price, super worthy. Grey colour is the most suitable for me, others striking colour? Hey i don't wanna have an abnormal eyes, being a scary vampire and shoo away all the peoples on the street okay.

Yesterday had a whole day talk in my school, for only form 5 students. And the speaker is an Indian, he was the ex student of SMK Alam Megah too. He shared a lot of his experiences with us. About what he did after taking his SPM, he took Health Science course and he was studied in MSU, and how he worked hard until he goaled his success today. And now, he is working as a forensic surgeon. An impressive job that literally did surgery for those dead peoples and investigate the source of their death. He could have around 5k salary per month (as what my friend asked him). Sounds cool, but won't he feel disgusting when operate the dead peoples' heart, lungs, kidneys and other organs? Gawd it's effing gross man. Yew

He told us an interesting case that he met before. And it was really made me laugh out loud. An Indonesian man that came from Jakarta, was taking a flight to Malaysia. After he reached KLIA airport, then he went to the toilet. Then he died without any reasons. Not a murder case, neither suicide or whatever. Sounds weird right, and we were all so curious about how the Jakarta fella died after the speaker told us this. The polices asked the witness, and investigated how was the incidents happened. The speaker, which mean the forensic surgeon, firstly he operated his heart, then his lungs, then his kidneys. Lastly, is the brain. After all the surgeries, but they still couldn't find any proof about how he died. Finally, they found out the problem was came from his heart. It was because his heart had expanded and it causes the death. He has a heart problem when he's alive, some kinda like the exhilarate disease. After all and all investigation by the peoples in charged who handled this case, the overall conclusion is...

The Indonesian dead because he was taking the flight to Malaysia for his new job. And he was too excited that he has the opportunity to work in Malaysia. So, he happy until died.

LOL. Isn't that FARNIE?

I laughed my ass out after i heard that. We were been heard before about people happy until die in exaggerate talking, but i really never expect that this could be real. So listen here guys, 不要开心到死 okay. ROFL

The main point of this talk is about telling us which way to go after our SPM. And i did discussed about all these courses stuffs with my friends. Some already have their targets and confirmed what course they taking. They want to study graphic design, multimedia, banking account, and one of my friend even said want to study doctor course. Gosh that will be a really tough course to study and definitely takes ages to study that. I've been heard that perhaps around 8-10 years to study until the highest level to be a professional doctor. She is in the first class now and she's a brilliant student. It's good to have a high ambition though. But me, i still don't know which course to take seriously. I already have some options in my mind, yet still confusing in it.

My main options.

Multimedia? It needs a lot of my creativity and really test me down. I'm a person that lack of creative and not really good in drawing or designing. But i kinda interested in it wor.

Hospitality? Many types of services in different fields. It is a job that always serving peoples and learn about events management. I also interested in this wor. But sometimes i am bad in planning things or managing stuffs, later customers complain how? Die lah.

Mass Communication? Oh socialist job. I love to socials and communicate with peoples. I even thought before want to work in Public Relation (PR) job. My friend agreed me to take this too, because i'm a socialist person and kinda extrovert. And she said my appearance also not bad mah. Maybe talented in this field. But i scare i can't talk fluently in speaking those languages wor. Malay, English, Mandarin and Cantonese. The only four languages that i know. If when i communicate or talk with the customers, i talk until so kek sui then how? Fish lah. -.-

Okay these are the other unnecessary options. Not in the main one.

Air stewardess? High pay salary and can have free travelling in everywhere. Okay one of my interest too, travelling. I never been suspicious about my appearance for being an air stewardess, because i met before some air stewardess are even yong sui than me. Lol. No offense seriously. But working as a job that always sit on the flight, might be always not in Malaysia one wor. Then my family and buddies how? :(

Photographer? It takes heavy cost in studying this course. Only a high professional camera, example DSRL, already in high cost. It's in my wishlist. :( But i love to taking photographs. It's enjoying and inspired me at times. Maybe i just can take it as my hobby only, not my main job.

Part-time model? This is my daydreaming job. Not in the main options also, don't take it as serious kays. I'm not tall enough, as what my height now is just 160cm only wtf. I'm already 17, could not grow taller anymore. OUT. :( I'm fat. I don't have a good san choi, and i'm not outstanding also. OUT. :(( I'm totally OUT, and i wouldn't be a model except i have enough good conditions to be. That's why i called this as my daydreaming job. Lol

You see, how hard to make decisions in my future. Sigh

Don't care lah. Now just focus on my SPM first. At least i know i have few options to choose already, but not keep daydreaming and being so lost like last time. We have to set our goals, then only we can success. Kan? :)

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