
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Shop till you crazy

Do Re Mi.

Just to post up what i did on my last weekend. Sunday, went to church in the morning as usual. My dad showed me something to test me when we were in the car on the way to church.

This is the thingy. Some kind like a tricky metal thing that needs a particular way to take it out and put it in back. He promised me if i could solve the test and take it out, he will reward me 100 bucks! I played that before, so i roughly knew how to do it. At last i did it, but he didn't give any 1 cent of coin or any piece of notes also. Ish tipu.

He kept showing off to me that how he took it off in a super fast speed. And i recorded how long did he tooks to take it off with using the stopwatch in my phone. Results shown is 1.3 sec. Same as he put it in too. Lol fast sial. But me, just simply moving and twisting here and there just to take it off with depends of my luck lol

After church, went to SS15 with ShinYii, as we had promised to hang out together to there another time again, for entering our holy shopping heaven. :D Then she got herself a handbag too, similar with mine that i bought last time, but it's in different colour. Chun yea, we got the 2 same bags and both of it are also in BLINGS and SHINING until you have to wear sunglasses when you saw us to avoid the brightness. LOL

And finally, i bought a top with the grids patterns that i spotted last time. And it costs me for Rm50.15. The aunty in the boutique shop was really strict in doing her clothes business wtf.

I asked her, "Can you count me in 50 bucks only? 15 cent also want to count meh?"

And she straight away answered me with a "NO" in a deep strict voice. Seems like it was kinda rude of her and i don't think this is the correct way to serving a customer. Although she couldn't deduct the 15 cents for me, but at least she can have a smile on her face and embarrassingly say a sorry, right?

Then she said, "I'm not the boss, i have to key in the correct total amount into the computer."

My mind was thinking, if i was she, i rather to pay the little 15 cents for the customer instead of lost a customer of visiting my boutique. At last i really paid her a note of 50 bucks, 1 coin of 10 cent and 1 coin of 5 cent. Ngam ngam hou hmph!

After enough loitering there, i accompanied ShinYii to SP to buy the S.H.E concert tickets and then we had our another round of shopping again lol. Seriously i used a lot of cashy that day and i'm gonna bankrupt soon duh. And yeah, i bought kinda lots of stuffs and did sucked my purse till dried.

My black blingy bag. Rm45. And it was already in 50% discount. Nice grab. :)

Bio Oil - Rm32.90.
Elianto Green Tea Foam Cleanser - Rm26.

I need Bio Oil to recover my god damn scars! Especially my blardy face -.- I tried many brand types of facial cleanser but it seems unfriendly to my face skin. Then this time i took a risk to try on the Elianto's brand of facial cleanser. It really goods to me fortunately. It somehow better of using it instead of those branded ones example Ginvera, Nano, Nivea that i used before.

Silver blingy hand accessory - Rm10.30.

I'm so in love with blinkee stuffs recently. Don't know why. I'll gone hyper when i saw blinkee things lol wtf. Perhaps it attracts me lots? Blink blink blink *winks* ;) My new clothes won't be upload in here i guess, just notice it in my CNY pictures lah. Because i'm gonna wear all of it during CNY. :D And yeah, i pierced my right ear! It doesn't seems pain for me btw. Spot my first top picture in this post. Teehee

CNY decoration at Sunway Pyramid.

Pictures of the day. Wifey aka Irene & Hubby aka Winnie. ♥

p/s: Sigh i can't wait for CNY and angpauss. I'm counting down it every single day. :(

Μїśş Ẅ

Saturday, January 23, 2010


6 of it, which is the best? I know, it's none. -.-

Just a random post here. Came back from school just now, what a bored day. Yeah today is the replacement schooling day for the CNY holiday. After recess we are totally all in free. Playing cards, taking pictures, listening musics, gossiping and bla bla bla ing. Usually winnie would not go for replacement school on Saturday, but this time she did. Give her a big applause please. *claps* HAHA stupid. I just wanted to take attendance lah, and i'm now is the so called good student right. So yeah. Lol BOO

These pictures are captured by today. So it's hot and fresh that just came out from the oven. :P

My classmates in 5 ARA.

Skip to another topic. I saw something cute in my phone, which is my friend sent a picture message to me with an adorable moving animation gong zai.

Its mouth can open and close one neh. Lol effing cute kan?


Last week went to Summit with parents for movie. And we watched Spy on the Next Door. Oh Jackie Chan was still that awesome although he's aging now. His kungfu and comedy parts were still in good. His acting skills were never fade, don't know why. And he's always act some kind like babysitter, and keep protecting all the children from danger. Same as the BB Plan movie last time. Best actor of him. I rate the movie for 8/10. :)

Then i bought this from Salvation shop at Summit. The first original Christian song album i ever have. Hillsong, Faith + Hope + Love. The songs are pretty nice, but my parents don't like and even criticize it. ISH -.-


2 days ago i went to SS15 for lepak with my wifeyShinYii. Gawd miss her damn lot sial. Finally can met her d. :D And we had a happy shopping together, yeah again haha. I bought myself a top and a blinky bag. Chun finally i got myself a handbag. My next hunting is a pair of flat shoe! I still couldn't find any since my sandals had spoiled last time. Sometimes i'm lazy to wear heels, then i'm always wearing my cheapskate flip flop to everywhere. Kesian aiks. I'm still not yet shop enough for my Chinese New Year shopping okays! I'm gonna back to there again and walk over all the boutiques until my bags drop! TEEHEE. SS15 is a nice place to shop seriously. Don't think it just a normal place with full of restaurants and Cybercafe that everybody goes to. Have a proper look at there babes! You could have a fun shopping instead of in those shopping malls.

ShinYii, JOM again okay! ;D

And ShinYii saw this glamorous BMW sport car with a special car plate. JAY 2008. Chun rite. I'm wondering is that Jay Chou's car? Lol

Being so RANDOM. Because i don't know what to blog. Excuse me please. :(

Μїśş Ẅ

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Orianthi Panagaris



Her current new album - BELIEVE .

1. According To You
2. Suffocated
3. Bad News
4. Believe
5. Feels Like Home
6. Think Like A Man
7. What's It Gonna Be
8. Untogether
9. Drive Away
10. Highly Strung
11. God Only Knows

I have all of her new songs, that must be thanks to my friend, Jeremy sending me all these. And all the songs are super chun! :D My preference songs are According to you, believe, feels like home and god only knows. Highly Strung is the only song that is in guitar instrumental, yet not in singing. You can know how bravo she is when you heard the geng chao guitar sounds and music.

Best and nice songs intro by Winnie Sin. Pm me if you're interested and i'll kindly send to you. :)


Μїśş Ẅ

Friday, January 15, 2010

My goals


I just changed a brand new coloured contact lens which is grey in colour. Oh it's satisfied me and i love it. :D Wearing a watering and coloured contacts make my eyes look innocent lol. And i got it in a oh-so-cheap price, super worthy. Grey colour is the most suitable for me, others striking colour? Hey i don't wanna have an abnormal eyes, being a scary vampire and shoo away all the peoples on the street okay.

Yesterday had a whole day talk in my school, for only form 5 students. And the speaker is an Indian, he was the ex student of SMK Alam Megah too. He shared a lot of his experiences with us. About what he did after taking his SPM, he took Health Science course and he was studied in MSU, and how he worked hard until he goaled his success today. And now, he is working as a forensic surgeon. An impressive job that literally did surgery for those dead peoples and investigate the source of their death. He could have around 5k salary per month (as what my friend asked him). Sounds cool, but won't he feel disgusting when operate the dead peoples' heart, lungs, kidneys and other organs? Gawd it's effing gross man. Yew

He told us an interesting case that he met before. And it was really made me laugh out loud. An Indonesian man that came from Jakarta, was taking a flight to Malaysia. After he reached KLIA airport, then he went to the toilet. Then he died without any reasons. Not a murder case, neither suicide or whatever. Sounds weird right, and we were all so curious about how the Jakarta fella died after the speaker told us this. The polices asked the witness, and investigated how was the incidents happened. The speaker, which mean the forensic surgeon, firstly he operated his heart, then his lungs, then his kidneys. Lastly, is the brain. After all the surgeries, but they still couldn't find any proof about how he died. Finally, they found out the problem was came from his heart. It was because his heart had expanded and it causes the death. He has a heart problem when he's alive, some kinda like the exhilarate disease. After all and all investigation by the peoples in charged who handled this case, the overall conclusion is...

The Indonesian dead because he was taking the flight to Malaysia for his new job. And he was too excited that he has the opportunity to work in Malaysia. So, he happy until died.

LOL. Isn't that FARNIE?

I laughed my ass out after i heard that. We were been heard before about people happy until die in exaggerate talking, but i really never expect that this could be real. So listen here guys, 不要开心到死 okay. ROFL

The main point of this talk is about telling us which way to go after our SPM. And i did discussed about all these courses stuffs with my friends. Some already have their targets and confirmed what course they taking. They want to study graphic design, multimedia, banking account, and one of my friend even said want to study doctor course. Gosh that will be a really tough course to study and definitely takes ages to study that. I've been heard that perhaps around 8-10 years to study until the highest level to be a professional doctor. She is in the first class now and she's a brilliant student. It's good to have a high ambition though. But me, i still don't know which course to take seriously. I already have some options in my mind, yet still confusing in it.

My main options.

Multimedia? It needs a lot of my creativity and really test me down. I'm a person that lack of creative and not really good in drawing or designing. But i kinda interested in it wor.

Hospitality? Many types of services in different fields. It is a job that always serving peoples and learn about events management. I also interested in this wor. But sometimes i am bad in planning things or managing stuffs, later customers complain how? Die lah.

Mass Communication? Oh socialist job. I love to socials and communicate with peoples. I even thought before want to work in Public Relation (PR) job. My friend agreed me to take this too, because i'm a socialist person and kinda extrovert. And she said my appearance also not bad mah. Maybe talented in this field. But i scare i can't talk fluently in speaking those languages wor. Malay, English, Mandarin and Cantonese. The only four languages that i know. If when i communicate or talk with the customers, i talk until so kek sui then how? Fish lah. -.-

Okay these are the other unnecessary options. Not in the main one.

Air stewardess? High pay salary and can have free travelling in everywhere. Okay one of my interest too, travelling. I never been suspicious about my appearance for being an air stewardess, because i met before some air stewardess are even yong sui than me. Lol. No offense seriously. But working as a job that always sit on the flight, might be always not in Malaysia one wor. Then my family and buddies how? :(

Photographer? It takes heavy cost in studying this course. Only a high professional camera, example DSRL, already in high cost. It's in my wishlist. :( But i love to taking photographs. It's enjoying and inspired me at times. Maybe i just can take it as my hobby only, not my main job.

Part-time model? This is my daydreaming job. Not in the main options also, don't take it as serious kays. I'm not tall enough, as what my height now is just 160cm only wtf. I'm already 17, could not grow taller anymore. OUT. :( I'm fat. I don't have a good san choi, and i'm not outstanding also. OUT. :(( I'm totally OUT, and i wouldn't be a model except i have enough good conditions to be. That's why i called this as my daydreaming job. Lol

You see, how hard to make decisions in my future. Sigh

Don't care lah. Now just focus on my SPM first. At least i know i have few options to choose already, but not keep daydreaming and being so lost like last time. We have to set our goals, then only we can success. Kan? :)

Μїśş Ẅ

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Starting of the year

Alright now's the starting of the year. Well, my studies is going good. In the past one week of schooling days, i'm trying hardly to be a good student, seriously. I pay my full attention to teacher, concentrated in class and make sure all my homeworks are done. I just finished my malay essay homework last week with writing 770 words long wtf. Okay the first time ever, wrote all the grandmother stories and rubbish in it haha. Besides, I controlled myself not to sleep in class, and so i did it, although i kept yawning sometimes. Yays! :D My friends were surprised with the behavior that i did in school, or even criticize me and a little crashing might be happen in my friendship. Okay maybe sometimes they underestimate me. It's okay, i don't mind. I just have to do my own job, and study good to fulfill my target. What other peoples think, I don't give a effing damn. FML

I have a classmate who loves to take things to compared. She likes to win and always compare her results with me. I really don't understand. Why peoples are so loving to be the first? Even though they win, they can show off their intelligence to others? Do i have to reward a trophy or a big prize to them, and say "Okay you won me, i lost, happy? Congrats." Wtf. I don't mind if you're a very show off person. Sometimes peoples like to show off to get attention from others, and so do i. Nevertheless, showing off and comparison are different matters. What's so good to compared? You got yours, and i got mine. Although you compared, there's nothing good for you also. You won't get a piece of flesh on your body, and you won't get an extra teeth on your gingival. I don't love to compare, but if one day i won you, please don't be fucking childish and get mad. This is what idiots deserved for.

I just went to Genting with my family 2 days ago due to my mom got the birthday voucher for the free rooms in Resort Hotel. Oh i could just say, Genting is a boring place for me, because i went there for n times and i roughly knew every places that located over there. Due to i am the person who most clear about the places, then i was being a fake tour guide, where they wanna go then i leaded them. Sigh walking around like a fool. Back to topic, this was the first time i stayed at Resort Hotel. Okay what i comment for the hotel, this was the most chun-nest hotel that i stayed at Genting. It's neither better than First World Hotel and Highland Hotel. The space in the room is big enough, and the facilities were good. :)

Nice view that captured out of the window of my hotel room.

Cooling breeze mist with the mesmerizing sunset.

Camwhore heals my boredom.

At night, we went to watched the DAZZLE show. Not really nice though. Only some certain performances that i like. We were prohibited to take pictures or videos of the show elements, but i still took some of it. Teehee

Before starts.

The dancers.

[ The Next Morning ]

We ate a so-not-worth breakfast for costing RM84.55! Effing expensive. Genting is a place of sucking Malaysian's money weyh! (Includes Casino)

Sis, bro and pappie

I brought this purplelish blinkee handphone hanger with a alphabet W. It stands for?


Μїśş Ẅ

Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Year Eve

Okay i spent my New Year Eve with a kinda lame and bored feeling. I went to Sunway Pyramid for countdown. Things were not excited as what i expect for. Apparently i celebrated with my friends and with their friends' friends. But actually i'm not celebrating at all. I'm just alone and i felt lonely. Following them going anywhere like such a mad dog, kinda pissed off that day. No mood to talk about my new year eve. Nothing special. No countdown, neither didn't see any of fireworks, but just heard the effing boom boom sounds only. I'm gonna find my plan on new year eve by my ownself next year! CB

Before went to Pyramid, me, mom and my bro went to had steamboat buffet for our dinner at Tasty Pot Restaurant, somewhere nearby Pyramid. RM25nett per person if i'm not mistaken. The restaurant owned 3 storeys of the whole building and there were crowded with peoples like shyt. Almost full house until some customers couldn't find the seats. Kinda popular steamboat buffet restaurant. And yeah, the foods were awesome! :) Too much of choices and lots of variety foods to eat until i don't know which to choose! And it was freaking burst my stomach out seriously. I think this is more worthy for those who eat lots and who have big appetite, especially like those big fat buffaloes peoples, or that so called hungry ghost. Lol wtf

See, all the peoples were queuing to take the steamboat ingredients.

Fleshy crab. Yummy

The prawns are fresh, the texture was so incredibly delicious. :)

Colourful types of ice-cream flavour for dessert.

Ice-creammm ♥

Can fight with the amount of peoples at Pasar Malam d. Lol

After eating, my bro dropped me at Pyramid. Then i joined my friends after that.

The couple. Kelvin and Yennie.

Best date and time. 01-01-10, 1.01am.

After countdown, we yam char at Ming Tien and i ordered a huge glass of carrot milk, while my friend ordered watermelon juice. My bladder gonna burst off after drinking that. Phew

The last day of my 2009 year just gone like this. Took a long sleep, and woke up in the next morning. It's the first day of 2010 already. Take a deep breathe and feels the fresh air of the environment. Due to it was a special day, i promised myself i have to wake up early and take my time to accompany my parents on that day. Because usually i and my sister are always slept until the late noon, so kinda neglected the time of spending with my parents for breakfast together. Trying to be a filial daughter lol. And so, i and my parents had dim sum for breakfast at Puchong. After that, my mom and her friends had appointment to visit her friend, so we separated while me and my dad find our own programmes. :) At last we went to IOI mall for new year shopping.

Okay that was the most insane shopping i had ever tried. It's only me and my dad, we had already spent almost 500 bucks and just for 2 persons of us only. Never know IOI mall have such lots of stuffs to shop, since the new wing was opened now. We bought lots of stuffs that day, and all are in clothing. My dad was like a rich pappie and just buying stuffs without hesitating. While me, i just keep on choosing the clothes, and tried them again and again in the fitting room. And if suits, i just go to the counter and ask my dad for pay. Gosh what a father and daughter crazy shopping lol. I know i have a generous and the best father, don't be jealous. :P Btw, have to thank him for digging a big hole in his purse. Aww

I've learned something : If you don't have a nice body, whatever clothes you wear, or even you dressed yourself like a splendid peacock, but that is also not nice on you. But if you have a nice body, whatever clothes you wear are also beautiful on you, even though it is just a simple tee with a short. Hence, no matter for guys or womans, a nice body is important. There're only nice body are worth for peoples admire. I hate my fatness. Fuag :'(

School reopen tomorrow. Time passed effing fast and i'm officially in form 5 now. I know my studies will gonna be tougher and tougher, more difficulties i have to face, and more pressures and burdens i'm gonna carry on. Okay this is the part i hate the most.

Wake up early in the morning. It really kills me. I'm gonna live in the alarm world again. Everyday woke up by the annoying alarm sound. The sleeping queen is back to the school? Yeah i guess so. But well, this is the last year of me staying at this school, i'm gonna appreciate the last moment in secondary school. Sleep less, play less, out less, but study more, focus more, and revise more.

I'm always study with having a big sigh, because i'm born to be a lazy person lol. But i know i have to do so, will never reduce my effort in my studies. Okay school tomorrow nerdy! The war between me and my studies will be starting. The big fearful war will gonna start in the end of the year, which is SPM. Well, wish me luck!

Μїśş Ẅ